Meet the CNS
Past CNSs
From its modest beginning in 1956 as a seaward defence force, Nigerian Navy has evolved into a regional maritime defence force. From the early 1970s to the mid 1980s, the Nigerian Navy embarked on acquisition of new ships, new facilities and other platforms based on perceived strategic needs. These new perceptions of strategic needs emanated essentially from the lesson of our civil war. Indeed, the end of the civil war signaled a turning point for the Nigerian Navy. We built new and more functional ships; we introduced more fleet maintenance facilities and emplaced more shore establishments in the Delta area and in the Eastern waters. Concerted efforts were also directed at restructuring the logistic, operational, training and administrative machinery in the Navy.
These efforts were spirited attempts to respond to the naval strategic needs in consonance with Nigeria’s legitimate geo-political role. Not only in the West African sub-region, but also in the Southern Atlantic. The Nigerian Navy has been a reliable and credible element in our nation’s defence. As we reflect on our activities in the past fifty years, we look forward in sustaining and improving our attributes and virtues to meet our challenges and continue to serve our nation with distinction.

Aug 05 - Account and Budget Presentations

Oct 05 - Logistics Presentation

Feb 06 - Operations (and others - Medical, Education, Sports and Legal Directorates) Presentaions

Jun 06 - Concluding Programmes and Dinner Dance

Nigerian Navy
Nigerian Army
Nigerian AirForce
Naval Education
Nig. Defence Acd.
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